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The Russian pharmaceutical industry has gained significant stability in the recent years thanks to manufacturers such as Medsintez Plant. This is a modern full-cycle biotechnological enterprise that develops and manufactures pharmaceutical ingredients and drugs that meet international GMP and ISO standards.

On September 26, 2024, TASS hosted an expert discussion in the format of a federal teleconference Moscow-St. Petersburg-Ekaterinburg-Novosibirsk-Vologda-Anapa, dedicated to discussing the role, reasons and mechanisms for stimulating In Ekaterinburg, Alexander Petrov, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Medsintez Plant LLC, told the participants about Triazavirin, an innovative domestic antiviral drug, as a success case of private investment in science.

60 leading Russian reproductologists visited the pharmaceutical company Medsintez Plant in Novouralsk on September 4, 2024. This event was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the opening of the production workshop for biotechnological substances for the reproductive health of women, as well as the Annual International Conference «Reproductive Technologies Today and Tomorrow» in Ekaterinburg. Leading experts and conference speakers visited the production of the first Russian follitropin alpha for the treatment of human infertility, Primapur®.

In 2024, the Medsintez Plant in collaboration with Tonghua Anrate Biopharmaceutical Co. launched the production of the substance and finished dosage forms of the world's first registered drug of recombinant human albumin. The drug was obtained using Pichia Pastoris cells by the recombinant DNA technology.

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  • Ural State Medical University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Ural State Medical University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Ural State Medical University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the University, USMU) is the leading scientific, educational and methodological center in the Ural Federal District, which has been successfully training highly qualified medical personnel for 90 years, which has formed health care human resources of Sverdlovsk region and the Urals region and made a significant contribution to personnel training in the field of medical science and practice of the country.

“Vector of the USMU mission is aimed at strengthening the University's driving role for the innovative development of the healthcare system to attract talented young persons; integration of resources of educational, scientific institutions, industrial partners in the field of biomedicine, pharmacy and medical engineering; generation of high-tech innovative environment; creation of key elements for knowledge base of the platform “Medicine of the Future”; active introduction of integrated health-saving technologies; sustainable development of socio-cultural environment and human capital.

University target model transformation involves transition from a model of an educational institution to the model of a reference multidisciplinary (educational, scientific, innovative, practice-oriented) institution, which is a key element of networking cooperation between leading educational and scientific institutions, health care institutions, technological clusters and high-tech innovative enterprises of Sverdlovsk Region, Ural Federal District and neighboring states.

USMU is a coordinator of the Urals Scientific and Educational Medical Cluster, the base university of the Urals Scientific and Educational Consortium of Biomedicine, Pharmacy and Medical Engineering, created jointly by institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Active cooperation of the University with industrial partners – enterprises of the state corporations Rosatom, Roscosmos, Rostech, manufacturers of medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, creates conditions for formation of a high-tech complex of production and infrastructure facilities for technologies development and transfer, production of modern medicines, equipment and medical devices in the Urals.

USMU projects are implemented in the Ural Interregional Scientific and Educational World-Class Center «Advanced Production Technologies and Materials» in the field of «Bioequivalent Materials for Dentistry, Surgery, Traumatology».

Commitment to longstanding traditions and susceptibility to innovations in educational, research and clinical activities, enabled the University to achieve international recognition.

Since 2012, USMU has been included in the Top 100 best universities of Russia, Top 20 universities of «Medicine and Health Care», international rankings «Three missions of universities» and Times Higher Education.

According to the results of competitive selection in 2021, the University entered the strategic academic leadership program “Priority 2030” of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Address: 3, Repina St., Ekaterinburg, 620028

Tel.: (343) 214-86-52

Email: usma@usma.ru
